Environmental Rule of Law

-CITES and CBD implementation
Regional joint preparatory meeting for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) for CITES CoP 17 and CBD COP 13, COP MOP 8 and COP MOP 2

Sustainability at the Intersection of Trade, Environment and Development

Workshop on “assessing and addressing impacts of CITES decisions on livelihoods”

Cispatá, Colombia, February 11-12, 2015

-Implementation of CAFTA-DR ECA effectively supported, high level results and impact identified, and monitored (through streamlined RBM indicators) and shared through different outreach mechanisms including monitoring Progress reports.

-US-Peru TPA Secretariat on Environmental Enforcement Matters established and functioning.

-Case Studies on climate change attributable impacts in the Americas conducted and input for policy makers and decision makers on climate mitigation and adaptation policy identified and systematized.

-Policy dialogue on Paris agreement implementation and implications in and amongst member States furthered with emphasis on linkages amongst climate, human rights and justice.